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Preston Hollow Library

Preston Hollow Library serves to instill a love of reading, inspire life-long learning, and foster independent library use. Students visit the library to check out materials, and to practice information literacy skills and digital citizenship. The library has a welcoming atmosphere allowing students to acquire knowledge, travel the world through books and expand their minds.

Library Hours

7:30 am to 3:15 pm

Tuesday to Friday
7:30 am to 3:30 pm

Electronic Resources Available 24/7

At A Glance for 2023-2024 ...

Number of students receiving benefits from an open access library with a certified librarian media specialist:

Percentage of Economically Disadvantaged Students:

Number of books checked out for the year:

Number of online resources accessed for the year:

Parents Can Check Out Books in the Library Too! Stop by the library to complete a form to request for a library card. You can check out books for yourself or any of your children at Preston Hollow Library.
¡Los Padres y Representantes pueden también sacar libros prestados de la bibilioteca! Pase por la biblioteca para llenar una forma para obtener su tarjeta de la biblioteca.


•Students with better staffed libraries score higher on testing
•Better funded school library media programs help close achievement gap
•School library helps students with research projects
•Library programs influence the development of students reading interests
•School librarian engage in information literacy instruction


•Analyze students' needs
•Analyze library collection and review books
•Collaborate with teachers and teach students
•Develop students' love of reading
•Recommend books and electronic resources
•Integrate makerspace programs
•Manage budget and purchases
•Fundraise and apply for library grants
•and much much more