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Staff Only
Check your Reservation
(Log into google to see the calendar)
Monday mornings and Tuesday afternoons are currently blocked off but the library is available for you to teach your students or for your students to do research. Please let me know the times you would like to visit by emailing me and I will make the reservation for you. I am also available to co-teach with you if you let me know the subject ahead of time.
"You got caught Reading" Ticket
You may give any students a ticket if you catch them reading. The students will deposit the tickets into a raffle box in the library. There will be a drawing every week for "You got caught Reading". Please email me for copies of the tickets. Remind your students to answer the questions on the back before putting into the raffle box.
Please return books to the library the day before or the day of by 8:00am so all the books can be checked in and put away before the first class. Students can come to the library to get a black cart to bring back to the classroom. Since there are only two carts, please send students back with the borrowed books ASAP.
When sending students to the library to return books, please remind them to put the books on the RED trolley.
Before visiting the library, please remind your students to put books on the trolleys if they don't know where to put back onto the shelves. When books are mis-shelved, they will be lost for a long time.
Besides class visits, students can come the last fifteen minutes of every half hour to check out books. Usually I am reading or teaching during first fifteen minutes and I will not be able to help them.
When visiting the library, please stay with your students to check the books they wish to borrow are within their reading levels.